Zoning & Projects

We are posting this to the HBA website as a show of correct information about the proposal that was
1. Voted down at area commission
2. Voted 4-2 to approve at City Rezoning
And now goes to City Council
Please note- the 6+ acre parcel is to be split with 2 acres on the eastern most side to locate the Thortons. 3 diesel pumps and canopy in rear closest to casino. 4 remaining acres, namely the corner most visible, will hold the hotel. Two companies are waiting for approval, one being Marriott.
We did collectively show support for this project for several reasons.
1. Two commercial real estate marketers rated this parcel section with the gas station/upscale convenience mart as its highest and best use.
2. The developer did continue to meet all if the objectives asked by the area commission through a course of meetings with interested parties. Lastly here, two hotel prospects are currently ready to engage in contract post approval.
3. This area has had no activity/new build since the casino in 2012. Several area businesses did update their existing buildings and some vacancies were purchased but no new builds came.
4. Letters if support were in place from other area businesses to include Westland Mall property owner stating it spurs efforts for his property interest.
Casino supports the project and hotel build by this developer.
Download the BSTP Development Overview
Download the Commercial Planned Development for 4053 Broad St